sample 2

sample 3

sample 4

sample 5


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2.2.3 Tritone/4ths chords

Made up of a perfect fourth over a tritone interval, they are akin to quartal chords but have even greater harmonic potential. A tritone/4th voicing is capable of expressing at least 8 harmonies. Here is a list with A7 13 as the point of departure:

G C# F# can be:
with bass:
A 7 13
Eb- 6 9
E, G, Bb, Db dim
E, B
Bb #9 13 b13
Eb 7 #9
Db- 7 b5 11
F b9 9 b13
F# b9

Tritone/4th voicings have a smart, jazzy sound due to their open configuration, the tritone, the fourth and the half-tone friction between the top and lowest note. Their salient feature is that a half-step slide up or down moves the harmony 1 step up or down in the Circle.

One-half step slide moves 1 step up or down the Circle:

A cadence in F:

Note the first 2 entries in the preceding page's list: the same tritone/4th voicing can stand for II­ and V7, here E- , A7 with basses E and A, respectively.

With a tritone/4th voicing in the left and 2 fourths in the right hand, one and the same chord stands for II­7 (11) and V7. Bottom notes are ­3rd and dominant-7th, respectively. Hear it with basses C and F. Truly minimal motion!

Another great feature of the tritone/4th voicings is that with a parallel slide half-step up or down they switch between the key's minor and major mode, here shown in the left hand:

Lowest note is the 3rd.

Another parallel half-step slide of tritone/4th chords toggles between diminished and dominant-7th of the same key, but now the lowest note is the 7th:

This leads to the third entry in the list: tritone/4th voicings can be diminished chords. In diminished harmony, everything repeats every minor3rd step (see Part 2, section 5).

Therefore tritone/4th voicings played with their lowest notes a minor 3rd apart (plus an octave), or a multiple of ­3rds apart, render spicy diminished chords:

The hands' movement need not be parallel:

See Part Two, Chapter 5 for more on tritone/4th voicings in diminished harmony. Tritone/4ths are truly magic voicings. Bill Evans favored them in his playing.