Have you ever
listened to jazz piano and wondered:
how did that hip, audacious sound get into the chords? What kinds of chords
do the professional players use? How does F# get into a C major chord?
How to pep up a lame and tame sounding diminished chord?
For all those who want to put more sophistication into their piano voicings,
this book:
a text-book, handbook and reference
book all in one, shows the way. It lists hundreds of examples of how to
voice in jazzy ways the various harmonic chord categories:
major, minor, dominant-seventh, half-diminished, diminished and whole-tone.
It presents voicings configurations such as tertial, quartal, quintal,
tritone/fourths, SoWhat voicings, "pentatonic", rootless, cluster, open-position
and polychords. _
It shows how to string along the voicings in II V I and in III VI
II V I cadences with elegance and economy of movement, as well as
in special non-cycle cadences.
It addresses harmonic devices such as chord substitution, voice leading,
reharmonization, diminution and insertion, cross over into new harmony.
It shows how to incorporate color tones into the chords for an "outside"
For the rules and tools with which to create spicey voicings the book
reviews fundamentals of jazz harmony in a clear, concise manner, condensing
in Part One an amount of material for which otherwise several volumes
would have to be consulted. Part Three applies modern voicings to the
blues. There are fifteen 12-bar blues scores including minor and be-bop
("Parker") blues.
The book has 138 pages in letter-size format 8 x 11 inches printed single-space
on both sides. It is lie-flat, spiral bound between plain soft covers.
It contains well over 600 sets of music examples, all referenced in the
text right next to them.
The voicings in this book conform to several or all of these criteria:
- they sound good,
- they fit smoothly into the chord progression connecting well with preceding
and following voicings,
- they have proven shapes for accommodating the hands,
- they are time-honored by tradition, the jazz idiom and jazz styles,
- good jazz pianists have played them.
This book will enrich your playing.